Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Supervisor as Safety Net

So I pitched the Coming of Age idea to my supervisor yesterday over dinner. He was pretty skeptical, but he was at least 'intrigued'. 'If I thought it was completely ridiculous, I wouldn't be sitting here in silence,' he said. On the other hand, he also actually said, 'The 1930s called, and they want their pychology back!'

As I remember it, he had two main points to make: 1) child/father language is one of the vocabularies of development used in the 1780s, but to make it the whole thesis would be distorting; 2) my previous work emphasised material reality and I shouldn't abandon that: Federalism was a coalition of groups whose outlooks were shaped in a continental direction by their political and material circumstances. I'll give responses (in the sense of discussing how I could incorporate this advice) soon.

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